Yes, you can. Simply ensure that you have no unpaid or overdue bills under your account, or that all of your unpaid bills are selected for payment. Excess payment will be automatically allocated to your account’s next bill.


For accounts with multiple Service ID Numbers (SINs), the excess payment will be allocated to your next generated bill.


This feature is not yet available. In the meantime, you may coordinate with your preferred banks to apply for an Automatic Payment Arrangement.

Yes, advance payments are allowed if your account/service has no outstanding bill/s. In fact, your Meralco Online account, will automatically activate the “Pay in Advance” button if this option is available for you.

If you have multiple services (SINs) under one account, we encourage you to enroll all your services in Meralco Online so you can pay for all services/bills in one transaction.

The advance payment feature of Meralco Online, will allow you to select the Account or the specific (SIN) Service ID Number to pay. If you select “Account”, your prepayment will be allocated to your account’s next generated bill. If you select a “specific service”, your prepayment will be allocated to your selected service’s next generated bill.

Please note that if you select to pay an Account Number and you have multiple bills/services under your account, the advance payment will automatically be allocated to your first generated bill regardless of SIN.

There is no limit to the number of bills you can settle in a single transaction. You can pay for several bills under a Service ID Number (SIN) associated to your account.

Yes you can. You just need to enroll to an Automatic Payment Arrangement with any of our partner banks.

This feature is not yet available on Meralco Online, but you may load through any of our other loading channels.

Please check that all required fields are filled out correctly:

1. Payment option (type of card)

2. Card number

3. Card’s expiry date – 2-digit month (MM) and 4-digit year (YYYY)

4. Security code/CVV or CVC