Developers may opt for a multi-metering per floor setup if the building is at least 30 floors or with at least 300 units. This scheme involves multiple locations of the Meralco meters or meter centers for a certain building or residential premises. The meter centers for this installation may be located in each floor, serving units in that level. Customers would consider this setup as more cost-effective because of cable length considerations compared to having all meters in a single location.
Meralco facilities, such as transformers, banks, and wires, can be installed either overhead or underground. Overhead facilities are installed on poles and are owned by Meralco. On the other hand, underground facilities are installed inside conduits which are owned and prepared by the customer with the approval of Meralco.
Overhead is more cost-effective and is easier to access and maintain. Underground installations are concealed from public view and address aesthetic concerns. Some areas, however, (ASEANA, BGC, etc.) only allow underground installations.
Customers may also want to insist on underground installations. In these specific instances, customers are charged with the difference in cost versus the cheapest scheme.
Flat streetlights are Meralco-owned lighting fixtures used for the illumination of streets, whether for public use or for the purpose of private subdivisions and villages. It is labelled as “flat”, because Meralco charges a fixed consumption for each streetlight based on the type of lighting fixture installed. Flat streetlights are usually applied by local government units (LGU), homeowner associations, and land developers.
Metered streetlights are customer-owned lighting fixtures for the illumination of streets, whether for public use or for the purpose of private subdivisions and villages. It is labelled as “metered”, because Meralco charges are based on the actual consumption of the streetlights. There are no special rates for metered streetlights.
The application for streetlights has the same process and documentary requirements as any service application for electric service. The only difference is the requirement for a council resolution (that the application has a budget) which is specific for flat streetlights for LGUs.
You may visit any of Meralco’s business centers for a streetlight application.